Hip Hop the Dance That Evolved Over the Ages & Why Choose Hip Hop Dance Classes in Delhi over the Others

Dance is for passion and the ones who are passionate about learning the various forms of moves and twists that your body is able to perform, but when it comes to choosing the dance form that you would want to master, the choice becomes quiet difficult as not many of us know much about the dance forms and what type of energy is required for that particular dance style, though it is a fact that all the dance types do need energy, but the effort and the amount of energy to be spent on each of them differs.

So here via this articles we will try to wrap one of the most famous dance form, which has evolved since ages, right from the time of break dancing, and is still considered as one of the favorite dance styles of one and all, and we are sure that if you are based in Delhi then you sure will be looking for Hip Hop Dance Classes In Delhi after reading this article, that is if you are still confused over which dance form would you choose for yourself.

Yes the dance form that we are going to talk about in this article is that of Hip Hop and before we go into the depth of this dance form, it would be good for you to know a little bit of history about this dance form. As the title suggests, this dance form, that is Hip Hop has evolved over the ages, marking its beginning in the street sides of the urban populace, where these talented dancers used to showcase their talents to the people who used to pass by them, and within minutes of watching it people were seen moving their legs too in the rhythm of the dancer, so was the effect of this dance. But if you were thinking that this captivation could help you in picking up the dance moves by watching the videos then you sure need to get your notes correct, as you would have to join a dance class like the Hip Hop Dance classes in Delhi or any other part of the country, if you really and seriously wish to learn it and learn it well.

Having said that, here are few very important tips for you about the dance which sure is going to help you in the long run:

  • First and the foremost tip to remember about this dance is to start with real simple steps, and that would be possible only when you know the basic fact that this form of dance requires you to separate the movements made by your upper body to that made by your lower body.
  • Also in the beginning of this dance form, your concentration should solely be on your footwork, as here is from where the dance gets its base, in fact footwork is the most important factor required to be mastered for any form of dance and so is the case for Hip Hop as well.
  • One other factor that you should be keeping in your mind is that of space. Hip Hop is a dance form that needs a lot of space, so do not be shy to use it when you are dancing, as restricting that will also restrict your dance moves, which will not let you open up and show your moves properly, let alone the fact that even the audience will not enjoy it.
  • Also when you are learning this dance form choose the music carefully, as music and dance go hand in hand, hence choosing a music which does not kick you the right way will never be able to bring out the best in you when it comes to dancing as well.

Why Would You Take Hip Hop Dance Classes in Delhi?

While hip hop certainly didn’t originate in Delhi, its influence is everywhere.

When you’re out on the town, you’ll be able to hear the typical sounds of Delhi’s nightlife, but ever since the 1990s, you can also find specific clubs that cater to rap music and hip hop dancing.

If you like hip hop and you live in Delhi, then you’re in luck. Why? Well…

Hip hop is on the come up in Delhi

When you think of “typical” Indian music, you think of… actually… you think of a lot of things. Indian music is incredibly diverse and can range from a classic Bollywood soundtrack all the way to the stereotypical hymns dedicated to the worship of various gods.

That’s the beautiful thing about India – its musical tastes range from modern hip hop to the music that you’d have heard back in the day.

For some reason, India has welcomed hip hop with open arms. The only problem is that classical Indian dance doesn’t really “work” when you’re trying to dance to hip hop.

We recommend taking hip hop dance classes in Delhi if you’re serious about it – just a few lessons can have you looking like an animal on the dance floor.

Dance in Delhi is prominent

In some countries, dancing is secondary, meaning that if you go out for the night, you probably won’t find yourself dancing. Instead, you’ll be doing other things – going to concerts, seeing movies, etc.

India, on the other hand, has a nightlife that revolves around dancing. If you walk into a club, you better believe that you’ll be dancing. Most people take dance classes during their free time, especially for hip hop.

If you don’t dance, then you’re definitely going to catch some strange looks. It’s alright to take breaks, but if you walk into a club and just stand against the wall, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb!

Delhi has a great hip hop scene

Look: the overall dance culture in Delhi is awesome, but in terms of hip hop, it really thrives.

The problem with most clubs in America and the UK is that clubs play all types of music. One second it might be house, the next second it might be a mash-up, the next second it might be the latest Lil’ Wayne song… you get the picture.

The clubs in India that cater to rap music are centered around that aspect of dance, which is why so many people take dance classes in Delhi.

Classes are usually small: 10-14 people at an absolute maximum. This allows you to not pay for a lot of classes, but still get the education you need to not look like a buffoon on the dance floor.

If you like hip hop and find yourself visiting hip hop clubs, we highly recommend you start taking some dance classes. With your new skills, going out at night will be more fun, you’ll be able to meet people easier, and, overall, you’ll just be a more diverse, well-rounded person.